What is bullying?
If somebody physically hurts you, or verbally abuses you, that’s bullying.
Specific types of bullying include:
Bullying can be a one-off or it can go on for a long time. And bullying can happen to anyone.
How bullying can affect you
Bullying can make someone feel isolated and worthless, lonely, anxious, angry and lacking confidence. They may experience some or all of these feelings.
Some people who are being bullied develop depression, anxiety and eating problems. They may self harm or turn to drugs and alcohol.
If you are experiencing problems like these because of bullying, it’s having an impact on your health. As a parent, make sure your kids trust you enough so they talk to you. Or let them talk to the GP, who will keep any information confidential.
Bullying in any form is hurtful and unacceptable, it can have a long-term effect and can make your life miserable.
Did you know this information and the statistics about youth mental health:
Kids are going back to school this week, so keep an eye out on changes in behaviour of your kids. Pick up on mood changes. Tell your kids that bullying is NOT ok!
#becauseitsaveslives #fab #mentalhealth #bullyingisnotok